




Extra Options

No Limits Delivery Premium Club

People use delivery services more and more often. People send gifts and clothes to each other, businesses exchange documents and goods. More and more people are ordering clothes and shoes in online stores with delivery options. 
For those who use delivery services every day, we have created a special service. It's called the Premium Club. By joining this club, you get a certain number of deliveries from any stores and companies, as well as many other benefits. This service covers everything from flower delivery to sending confidential documents. By paying the membership fee once, you can use delivery services with virtually no borders. A personal manager is always in touch, and your requests are processed without a queue.


Making Routine Deliveries Easy

Here's what you get if you join our Premium Club.

Global Services

We deliver your orders not only around your city or country. We also offer our services abroad thanks to our partners. 


Whatever you need to deliver, we don't open the box, don't look inside, and don't touch your things. They are totally safe.

Exclusive Offers

When you join the Premium Club, you get special offers from our partners each month. Take advantage of them!


Personal Manager

In Family and Enterprise packages, you get a personal manager that helps you arrange deliveries. 

Special Rates

In addition to free deliveries, you get special rates on extra orders. The final rates depend on the delivery details.

24-hour Service

Whenever you need delivery, we will always fulfill your order. Even if you need to deliver a bouquet at 2 am.

Annual Rates

Membership Packages

Choose the package that suits you and your needs best. The rates below are for 1 year.


$ 500

    1 user
    200 free deliveries per year
    Special rates for extra deliveries
    Exclusive partner offers
    Refund in case of delay
    Worldwide coverage
    Accounting documents
    Quick processing of your orders
    24/7 personal manager
    Personal courier
    5 urgent deliveries per month


$ 800

    Up to 2 users
    400 free deliveries per year
    Special rates for extra deliveries
    Exclusive partner offers
    Refund in case of delay
    Worldwide coverage
    Accounting documents
    Quick processing of your orders
    24/7 personal manager
    Personal courier
    5 urgent deliveries per month


$ 1500

    Up to 6 users
    800 free deliveries per year
    Special rates for extra deliveries
    Exclusive partner offers
    Refund in case of delay
    Worldwide coverage
    Accounting documents
    Quick processing of your orders
    24/7 personal manager
    Personal courier
    5 urgent deliveries per month

Apply for Membership

If you are ready to join the Premium Club and use our exclusive services, leave your contact details, and our manager will contact you.

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